Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Edible Plants in Turkey

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Batuhan AKTEPE


For the bibliometric analysis of Turkish studies on edible plants, a total of 40 articles and 16 postgraduate theses were examined. These studies were obtained from the Google Academic and Council of Higher Education Thesis Center. After these studies were tabulated within the scope of purpose, method and results, they were examined according to years, number of authors, departments and universities of the researchers. Since the full text of many of the works such as books, book chapters and proceedings on the subject could not be reached, they were excluded from the scope. Accordingly, the most articles were written in 2019 and the thesis was written in 2018. It has been determined that the articles mostly have two authors and almost all of the theses are at the master's level. It has been revealed that more articles have been written in the fields of biology and food engineering and that researchers at Erciyes University have contributed more to the literature. There is an interest in the subject in the gastronomy and culinary arts department; It is thought that researchers in this field will continue to contribute to the edible plants literature in the coming years.

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How to Cite
DEMİRCİ, B., & AKTEPE, B. (2022). Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Edible Plants in Turkey. Journal of Global Food Research, 2(1), 14–39. Retrieved from